Москва, Вятская улица, 35, строение 4, этаж 3
Пн-Пт с 09:30 до 17:30

EagleEye™ Director II

USB-видеопанель премиум-класса для небольших переговорных, где требуется возможность работы с разными soft-клиентами, или подключение к нескольким платформам «видео как услуга» (VAAS) Представляем Poly Studio — видеопанель премиум-класса с интерфейсом USB для реализации творческих идей в ограниченном пространстве небольших переговорных комнат. Она обеспечивает лучшее в своем классе качество передачи звука и заглушает отвлекающий шум, который может помешать проведению совещаний.

  • More engaging and less stressful meeting experience with automatic camera technology that zooms in on an active speaker without anyone using a remote control
  • See nonverbal cues up close & maintain context of the room with single stream video of both the active speaker and everyone in the room
  • Measure return on investment with powerful data analytics for IT administrators
  • Extend into larger rooms up to 10 m such as boardrooms, classrooms and assembly meeting spaces.
  • Easy to upgrade existing video systems for immersive-like meeting experience

Get ready for your close-up with the only smart camera that makes every video conference a true face-to-face experience Meeting across sites is as natural as being in the same room now that presenters are seen up close without fumbling with technology. EagleEye Director II camera automatically zooms in on an active speaker without the use of a remote control or camera presets. EagleEye Director II takes video conferencing to the next level so meeting participants no longer have to worry whether they’re in camera view or stop the conversation to grab the remote control. Now, 100% of your time in meetings is focusing on the bigger issue—solving critical business problems. Automatic people-tracking. By zooming in and framing active speakers, everyone will be able to clearly see vital facial expressions and any subtle body language which allows for deeper engagement and more effective meetings. Utilizing the latest in speaker tracking and facial recognition technologies, EagleEye Director II continually scans the room and commands the cameras to appropriately frame everyone in the room. When someone in the room starts to speak, the system seamlessly transitions to an up-close view of that speaker, similar to a TV-production experience. Intimate and inclusive experience Maintaining engagement with everyone in the room, not just the active speaker, is critical for every meeting. EagleEye Director II does this seamlessly, keeping everyone connected by highlighting the active speaker up close at the same time as providing a smaller view of the whole group in one video stream. Smart data analytics The power of EagleEye Director II extends beyond the conference room by providing powerful data analytics to measure the return on investment of video collaboration, when used in conjunction with Polycom RealPresence Clariti. Data reports include the number of participants at the beginning, middle, and end of each meeting, which can be used to ensure each video room investment is utilized to its fullest potential. Additionally, IT professionals can monitor room usage to ensure that automated conferences are being attended and not running in empty rooms.

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